Thursday, October 29, 2009

The First Golden Birthday~

Belongs to none other than GRE BM! You know how there are some people in the world who are just innately great at something? Well my dear friend GRE BM is one of those people who has so much natural grace, kindness, and compassion and excels at being a wonderful listener. GRE is infinitely just and fair and has a natural ability to get down to the heart of the matter better than anyone else I know.

She is smart, funny, irreverent and beautiful to boot. To top it all off GRE cuts a mean rug. Keep Dancing!!

GRE BM at the Wedding, rocking a fuschia number from Etsy Vendor, Ouma Clothing.


trollcole said...

oh crap. i'm famous.

trollcole said...

but really, thank you for those kind words. you're a great friend and i had such a wonderful time celebrating it with you and P (and my main squeeze, mr. m). I also can't wait until you host the ultimate triple golden bday bash this month. love you very much!